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PHiE 2019, 100(2)

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Probl Hig Epidemiol 2015, 96(2): 406-409pl

Health benefits of red raspberry fruit (Rubus idaeus L.)

Alicja Baranowska 1/, Katarzyna Radwańska 1/, Krystyna Zarzecka 2/, Marek Gugała 2/, Iwona Mystkowska 1/

1/ Katedra Nauk o Środowisku, Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
2/ Katedra Agrotechnologii, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach

The healing properties of raspberry fruit have been known since antiquity. Raspberry was cultivated by ancient Greek and Romans. The raspberry fruit is not only a valuable, medicinal raw material, but also has a nutritive and dietary value. Furthermore, both fruit (Fructus Rubi idaei) and leaves (Folium Rubi idaei) can be used as a cold remedy. Since raspberry contains monosaccharides and organic acids, including phenolic acids and essential oils, the fruit demonstrates warming and antiseptic properties. The raspberry fruit is a source of mucosal compounds, of pectin, anthocyanin, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients, and mineral substances. While the potassium content in raspberry strengthens the heart, the lecithin in the fruit protects against myocardial infractions. Additionally, the iron and phosphorus content have positive effect on the red blood cells level, and the magnesium level helps to regenerate the nervous system. The raspberry fruit has been present for centuries in the folk medicine, but only recently its health effects have been confirmed (i.e. the health effects of the ellagic acid present in raspberry). The recent research also confirms the positive impact of the raspberry ketone in the weight loss treatment.

Key words:  red raspberry fruit, chemical composition, health benefits