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PHiE 2019, 100(2)

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Probl Hig Epidemiol 2011, 92(4): 980-982pl

Evaluation of selected parameters of sensory quality of popular and traditional beers

Sebastian Wawszczak 1/, Joanna Newerli-Guz 1/, Maria Śmiechowska 2/

1/ Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Zarządzania Jakością, Akademia Morska w Gdyni
2/ Zakład Biochemii, Ekologii i Towaroznawstwa Żywności, Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, Gdańsk

Introduction. The beer market offers brands produced by HGB and in the traditional manner. The differences in the production method translate into differences in the sensory quality of this beverage.
Aim. Evaluation of selected sensory characteristics of traditional and popular beers available on the Polish beer market.
Material and method. The study tested taste, aroma and bitterness of 9 types of beer - 4 popular and 5 traditional. Overall quality was determined on the six-point scale according to the PN. High quality (very good) was designated as 6 points, and low quality (very bad) as 1 point.
Results and conclusions. 6 of 9 samples of beer received similar assessments of about 4.0 points, which indicates their uniform sensory evaluation by the respondents. Popular Żywiec (4.44) was top-rated, with Special (4.27) as second, and traditional Ciechan wyborne (4.18) as third in the respondents´ assessments. Popular Harnaś (3.52) and traditional Lubuskie (2.11) were the lowest-rated beers.

Key words:  traditional and popular beer, sensory evaluation