ISSN 1895-4316
Tuesday, 14.01.2025
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PHiE 2019, 100(2)

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Dear Readers,

The quarterly Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii - an organ of the Polish Society of Hygiene - ( - presents papers on hygiene and epidemiology and many other areas vital for public health in a broad sense of the word.

The journal is published in two versions:

  1. a traditional printed version available upon subscription at a moderate price, and
  2. an electronic version prepared according to the best rules of modern editing of scientific journals. It is worth stressing that the electronic version with full texts of papers in the PDF format of all issues published so far, is offered free of charge on

The Editors´ priority is a high scientific level of published papers. So, the submitted original and rewiev papers are refereed in agreement with the standards observed in scientific journals.

Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii is assumed to be a modern scientific journal oriented mainly to prophylactic medicine, i.e. concerned with the problems of public health and traditional hygiene, including social and environmental medicine and medical statistics.

These ambitious tasks can be fulfilled only if the journal publishes works of researchers representing scientific and research institutes of the health sector, universities and medical academies, academies of physical education, universities of agriculture with departments and chairs dealing with the general problems of human health, and the State Sanitary Inspection.

In this connection, we address authors from these institutions asking them to submit their papers for publication in our journal to the mutual benefit. Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii will be a representative forum for an exchange of information and discussion in the fields described above. This will allow us to gain prestige, while the authors will earn points for their individual and institutional activity.

On behalf of the Presiding Board of the Polish Society of Hygiene
and Editor of Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii

Jerzy T. Marcinkowski