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PHiE 2019, 100(2)

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Information for authors

Review, original and case-reports are considered for publication in the quarterly Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii. The original papers are peer-reviewed. A complete manuscript on floppy disc and two print-out copies should be submitted to the journal editor. The editor reserves the right to alter and correct the manuscript considered for publication in a way that will not change its overall value. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to authors for correction.

Copyright. By submitting a paper to the editor, authors thereby confirm the original form of the papers, which means that the copyright or any other rights of property of the third party are not violated nor the paper has been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. After publishing the paper, the authors transfer the copyright to Publisher. In the case of reprints from other journals the authors are obliged to warrant permission from respective editors.

Manuscript in both Polish and English should be prepared in an electronic form.

Title of the paper in Polish and English should be concise, it should not exceed 120 characters. A subtitle is acceptable. The title is to be followed by names of authors, including first names, and affiliations. Main author and address for correspondence should be provided. It is indeed necessary to follow the guidelines on the title length.

Summary should be prepared in Polish and English and not exceed 250 words. It must be structured within introduction, aim, material and methods, results and conclusion parts.

Key words provided in both Polish and English should not exceed 7 in number.

The paper itself should be written in a concise and clear way; neither medical nor scientific slang words or phrases can be accepted. The text of original papers should be divided into paragraphs, including materials and methods, results and discussion. Latin names, as microorganisms and foreign words should be written in italics.

Abbreviations, symbols and units. Only common abbreviations may be left unexplained. Less known abbreviations and symbols must be explained when used for the first time in the manuscript. No abbreviations are acceptable in the title. SI units are recommended; however, also other generally used units (l, min., h, C, Da, cal) are accepted.

Figures (drawings, photographs) should be numbered. If figures are taken from published sources, the author must get appropriate editor’s approval to publish them. Acknowledgment should be given at the end of the caption for such a figure. Color figures can be included for publication, however, in each case this should be agreed with the editor. Drawings should be prepared using tools available in word processors, in Excel or specialist editors e.g. Illustrator, CorelDraw. Figures drawn professionally in black India ink on white paper are also acceptable. Photographs must be of high quality.

Tables should be numbered consecutively and headed by a concise title. Put explanatory matter in footnotes. Tables are adjuncts to the text and should not repeat material presented therein.

References should be quoted subsequently in the text in square brackets [1,2]. Unpublished data can be referred to providing the source of information in brackets in the text. Each reference should include: Author’s name and initial(s). Title. Abbreviated title of journal. Year, Volume (Number): pages.
1. Góral Z. Witaminy w uchu. Probl Hig Epidemiol 1998, 1: 18-24.
2. Smith E, Gray SD, Kowal R, et al. Frequency and effects of teachers’ voice problems. J Voice 1997, 11(1): 81-87.
3. Kowalski E, Nowak JT, Marski A i wsp. Epidemiologia przestrzenna. Probl Hig Epidemiol 2004, 1(3): 1-8.
Book should be quoted as follows: Author’s name and initial(s). Title of chapter. [in:] Book title. Name and initial(s) (Ed). Publisher, Place of publication Year: pages.
1. Zarawska E, Noculak-Palczewska A. Leki naturalne. Astra, Wrocław 1994.
2. Kawiak J, Warchoł J. Transport przez błony biologiczne. [w:] Podstawy cytofizjologii. Kawiak J, Olszewska M, Warchoł J (red). PWN, Warszawa 1995: 79-91.