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PHiE 2019, 100(2)

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Probl Hig Epidemiol 2018, 99(3): 294-301pl

Analysis of factors potentially connected with overconsumption of unhealthy food and with the nutritional status of women living in southern Poland

Agnieszka Ostachowska-Gąsior 1/, Emilia Kolarzyk 1,2/, Renata Majewska 3/, Jacek Kwiatkowski 1/, Izabela Załęska 4/

1/ Zakład Higieny i Dietetyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum w Krakowie
2/ Krakowska Wyższa Szkoła Promocji Zdrowia w Krakowie
3/ Zakład Epidemiologii, Katedra Epidemiologii i Medycyny Zapobiegawczej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum w Krakowie
4/ Zakład Kosmetologii Profesjonalnej, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie

Introduction. The rules for assessing the diet quality and physical activity were established in the Dietary Habits and Nutrition Beliefs Questionnaire developed by the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Aim. To determine factors associated with the overconsumption (more than once a week) of unhealthy products by women living in southern Poland and assess the association between nutritional status and the level of physical activity at work/school and in leisure time.
Materials and methods. The study comprised 882 women 33.57±13.74 years of age. An association between the overconsumption of 14 unhealthy products and factors such as age, place of residence, level of physical activity at work/school and in leisure time, BMI and self-assessed health status was verified using multivariate logistic regression models and an ANOVA test.
Results. More than 1/4 of the women were obese/overweight, and 1/3 declared a low level of physical activity. In older groups the overconsumption of non-healthy products (except beverages) was higher. Place of residence determined overconsumption of fried meals, butter and lard. Poor health status obliged to less consumption of sweetened beverages and confectionery products. High physical activity in leisure time was associated with reduced overconsumption of unhealthy products, whereas inversely in case of work/school.
Conclusions. Dependency between overconsumption of particular food products and analyzed factors was differentiated. The most frequently noted overconsumption of butter (66% women) was determined by many factors, whereas overconsumption of white bread (51% women) was determined only by physical activity. Nutritional status was not significantly correlated with the overconsumption of non-healthy food. BMI shows significant connection with the high physical activity in leisure time.

Key words:  unhealthy food, BMI, physical activity, women, overconsumption