ISSN 1895-4316
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PHiE 2019, 100(2)

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Probl Hig Epidemiol 2019, 100(2): 124-129pl

Assessment of nutritional knowledge among upper secondary school students

Joanna Kowalska 1/, Jerzy Słowiński 2/, Iwona Zieleń-Zynek 1/

1/ Zakład Profilaktyki Chorób Żywieniowozależnych, Katedra Profilaktyki Chorób Metabolicznych, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
2/ Zakład Epidemiologii, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach

Introduction. Nutrition is one of the environmental factors affecting health. Correct children´s and adolescents´ preparation for healthy behaviour, including nutrition education, could contribute to a reduction of the incidence of diet-related diseases in the future.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess nutritional knowledge among upper secondary school students, and the relationship between analyzed knowledge and sex, BMI, mother´s and father´s education, school type, number (I, II or III) and profile of a class, participation in a lecture about healthy eating.
Materials & methods. The study was conducted among 520 upper secondary school students. In order to collect data for the analysis, an author´s questionnaire including general questions and questions referring to nutritional knowledge was used.
Results. 64.4% of the analyzed group were male. In the studied group women showed significantly higher nutritional knowledge than men. Students who had mothers with higher education showed higher nutritional knowledge compared to other respondents, as well as high school and third grade students (older students). There was no influence of a lecture about healthy eating on higher levels of knowledge in the examined group.
Conclusion. Nutritional knowledge of the examined students was sufficient. The knowledge of respondents is affected by variables: sex, BMI, mother´s education, school type, class number (I, II or III). Lack of elementary nutritional knowledge of young people indicates the need to intensify efforts towards increasing the level of students´ knowledge.

Key words:  BMI, adolescents, nutritional knowledge, nutrition education